The Hive : NTU Learning Hub, So impressive design.

The Hive : NTU Learning Hub, So impressive design.

10 January 2018

It has been my mission since a long time ago to inspect this building. It lights up my passion as an architect. After the inspection, everything is as good as expected. Even I have to take a long way to HDB from Singapore. I would like to give some tips to my friends here.

The Hive is a modern building of the education institutes. Its external shape reminds me of bee hive.

The architect designing the building is Thomas Heatherwick from Heatherwick Studio. The Building is in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The building is constructed between 2012- 2015. This building receives BCA Green Mark Platinum award from Singaporean Government in 2013.

The design concept is simple but strong. The concept is that “exchange of knowledge leads to better learning society”.

Coach inspected the internal area of the building. One of remarkable things is that the internal spaces are connected perfectly, creating a productive atmosphere between students and teachers. This is because of the wise layout plan. There are 56 oval classrooms of which doors face to other ones. The rooms are connected to the same terrace hall. Each building is connected to the other building by a big hall. The natural light can pass through the roof of the building. No sharp edges in the design. In the classroom, the modern tools are provided; the blackboard around the classroom that can be written and erased, etc. There is a small channel on the roof that the natural light can pass through. It allows the people using the room be more concentrated. I saw many small meetings of the students in the classroom and other area of the building. It reflects the idea of the designer quite obviously. I can’t stop thinking that it will be great to have this kind of building in our country. The children will have fun while studying and it will create a significant progress in education system of our country.

If the educational system in our country is developed, the country will be developed very fast. I believe that this is what all Thai people need to help and cooperate together. This is not the duty of any specific person. Don’t you agree with me?

I will share more of my good experience in the seminar.


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